Saturday, April 5, 2014

A Hot & Snotty Guide to Palm Desert

Went to explore ruins at Salton Sea today. They are almost apocalyptic looking. Kept expecting to see the Dixon brothers pop out of an abandoned trailer with a few zombies close behind.

What else do you do there? If you're me, you buy a jug of wine and an ice cream sandwich, but to each their own.

Something Vaj did (it's pronounced Vie and rhymes with why) has me unsettled. She's kidnapped my emo-racoon plushy from my desk at work and is sending me pics of him in bondage.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Who's Hot & Snotty?

All you need to know right now is that someone put a hallucinogenic and quite possibly poisonous frog in someone else's kombucha. And it's impossible to tell.

Also, one of us refuses to decide which series is better: Breaking Bad or Walking Dead.

And thus, it begins.

UPDATE: I can still taste the frog kombucha this morning. It keeps coming back like bad tequila.